March is National Nutrition Month

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Nutrition From The Ground Up

I love this year’s theme for National Nutrition Month, Nutrition From The Ground Up. I take personal interest in this topic because one of my many philosophy’s is healthy moms + healthy babies = healthy children + healthier lives. I believe that good nutrition starts in the womb and continues throughout our little ones lifetime. We as parents can have a huge impact on how our children think and feel about food as well as their overall health. While I was pregnant with my son I was able to maintain my pescatarian diet, exercise and feel great (besides my swollen ankles). I believed that what I ate/drank affected my unborn child and I wanted to be extremely careful. Being a first time mom I read everything twice and watched when and what I introduced to my son. I had so much fun making homemade baby food and experimenting with fruits and vegetables to find out what he loved or didn’t love. I look forward to the chance to teach other women and parents how they can feed their children healthy foods without feeling like they don’t have the time. It’s worth it and we owe our children. Nutrition From The Ground Up is a charge to all of us to, if we haven’t already start paying attention to what our children are eating/snacking on. Let’s take control of our households and feed our families nutritious meals on a regular basis and not just once a week. Everyone will benefit and your kids will thank you later. You can learn more about this year’s theme at

Here is a standard recipe in my house (my son LOVES this and can’t live without it)


7 Apples (pick from the multitude of different apples such as golden delicious, figi, jazz, gala, braeburn, Honeycrisp, pink lady, Rome, McIntosh, etc. and feel free to mix them up)

5 Pears

Peel and cut apples into medium sized cubes (core may or may not be included), Bring 2 cups of water to a slight boil, just until slightly tender but please not mushy. Pour off excess water. Using a food processor ( I find it easier) puree apple/pear mixture and store in small containers.

You can scale this recipe down if you’d like or make more. Another way to do it if you don’t want to cook the fruits at all is to follow all instructions above except DO NOT ADD APPLES/PEARS to water and boil. Instead add fresh cut fruit right to the food processor, add ½ cup to ¾ cup fresh lemon juice and ¼ cup of boiled water. Blend and enjoy. I must tell you that if you prepare it without cooking the apples/pears it will turn slightly brown or medium brown. This isn’t a problem. You just probably shouldn’t make as much to keep the integrity of the fruit. My son loves both versions and I think if you make this without cooking it tastes sweeter.

At the top, my son Eli enjoying his very first Mango


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